Archive for May, 2014

Where Did Spring Go???

May 25, 2014

Hilarious:  the ice went off our part of the lake last Sun. and was pretty much off all of Wabaskang by Wed., and today it’s in the 80’s!  Go figure.  Here’s a cool sunset from Camp with ice still floating:

 icy sunset2
Our first week’s group seemed to have a great time! Sandra and Eldon’s biggest complaint was that the walleye were too big! In the true spirit of conservation, they kept only a couple of walleye for the entire week. They threw back several 18″ and bigger. THANK YOU for respecting our wishes! You know what that means to us. This was their first year without Sandra’s mother Wilma. I wanted to pay some sort of tribute and wanted to incorporate one of Wilma’s doilies. I chose my favorite,
found out how to starch it, and put it in a neat shadow-box frame. The result now hangs above Wilma’s bed:
Our Green Bay contingent added some pics to our Big Fish page. Visit our website at, scroll down to 2014 Conservation Awards, and take a peek. Here’s a big laker Paul released and another that Don kept:
nice laker
Paul, Jeremy and Blake also enjoyed some incredible perch fishing! They reported catching 500+ one day! Here’s a mess they decided to take home:
perch mess
One of the guys caught a tree. It must have been too big for the boat:
towing tree
We had some new guys from Kaukauna and Eau Claire. They seemed to really enjoy themselves AND got very close to this wolf swimming across the lake:
Wolf swimming
It emerged from the lake onto this big rock. He’s hard to see–almost camouflaged–but he’s a big bugger (eh, Cliff and Joe?):
Wolf on rock
These guys also had the misfortune of seeing this eagle floating. Let’s hope it was just natural causes or old, old age:
dead eagle
Our Green Bay guys got to watch a beaver in action:
Between last week’s ice and this week’s heat we had a variety of conditions. Here’s a good pic of the ice piles along the shoreline:
ice pile
We had a lot of mist and fog as well–and they just happened to make incredible reflections:
foggy reflection
misty reflection
foggy fishing
The lake level is way up this year. Here’s a pic I took from the deck of my outside office. It’s the shoreline in front of Cabins 3, 2, 1 and the boat launch:
Here are some nice scenery photos from the Green Bay guys:
great reflection
cool dead trees2
cool dead trees
Oddly, I’ve already spotted some mosquitos this year. We’re talkin’ BIG buggers (eh, Cliff and Joe). Hopefully they’re just random survivors of a really tough winter! I hope they don’t increase in value:
Let’s wrap it up with a great non-icy sunset and a nightscape:
ice gone sunset
night sky

Now That’s More Like It!

May 20, 2014

Greetings, Everyone!

We hope your Victoria Day was grand;) Ours was fine, and we are celebrating things being a bit more “normal” around here. Most of our guests understand the role that weather plays in our ability to function, especially this early in the season. One guest didn’t seem the least bit phased by the absence of docks for opener:
The dock problem was short-lived. Gruper was able to slide them into place while folks were out fishing Sunday afternoon:
I celebrated by breaking out my new footwear. It’s hard to see, but the piping trim is very pretty pink:
Now that the docks are in place we both seem more relaxed. Gruper can concentrate on his septic problem:
…and I can take time to reflect:
As for our anglers, they report full access to all 15,000 acres of Wabaskang as of Monday. We’re relieved that they lost only a couple of days’ access and are now free to fish anywhere! I set up my outside office yesterday and will begin adding big fish pictures to the website. I have a 24″ walleye and a 41.5″ northern so far. I’m sure I’ll be adding a bunch by Friday. In the meantime, here’s a nice laker that Jim caught:
Yesterday appeared to be a great perch day for those who know where to go.
We are very gray, misty and cool today. I’m not complaining, though. I’ve seen what it could be and will embrace anything but the “s” word. Besides, we’ve been blessed with a few beautiful days in a row! Here’s a shimmery pic for my gal, Sal, at home:)
She posts beautiful pics from our walks along the Mississippi in Iowa, so I figure I should share one from here:) I’ll try to do another post Fridayish. I don’t want to spoil you though!

And Away We Go!

May 18, 2014

Today was the official opener.  We had 20+ anglers hit the lake this morning!  No, they did not have access to all 15,000 acres of Wabaskang.  Some got as far as the 2nd narrows (in front of Waubaskang First Nation); most stayed in the first narrows or on this lake.  Our docks are still not in place, but that didn’t seem to make much difference to our guests.  Here’s someone returning from a day of fishing:


The ice was still heavy on the north end of this lake.  Gruper worked on it some more today, breaking it into more meltable, sinkable chunks:


It should be gone by morning.  Next comes the importance of wind in our Camp lives.  For the last several days we’ve BEGGED for wind to break the ice free, move it down the lake, and crush it into the shoreline.  NOW we’ll cuss the wind because Gruper needs a near glass lake to bring the docks around the bend and get them into place.  Oy.

So, I know some of you are wondering about any big fish reports today, aren’t you???  I’ve heard of a fat 28.5″ walleye, a skinny 29″ walleye, and a 41″ northern released today.  I’m sure that’s not all, but I had only talked with a few of the guys.  Cross your fingers that the list is longer.  I’ll report out when I do a more proper blog entry later this week.  Time to kick back….

May 13, 2014…

May 13, 2014

the day I almost drove back to Iowa;)

I just posted these two pics on our fb page.  First thing this morning:



Find us on fb if you haven’t.  Talk amongst yourselves and post pictures.  I think I have it set up so you can do that(?)

The weather today has been all over the charts.  It was rainy for a bit this afternoon, then sunny, now gray and very windy.  Big chunks o’ ice are coming to shore.  Our high was around 40 today.  Much of the same is forecast for tomorrow (Wed.), then we warm up and get some sun again.

Camp prep continues.  I’m systematically getting the cabins ready: making beds, hanging curtains, etc.  The bulk of the spring cleaning was completed on Sunday.  Gruper and Murray had an icky day to be doing anything outside.  They found some projects inside of cabins.  New boat motors get delivered tomorrow.  Eldon and Sandra should arrive tomorrow as well, a sure sign that opener is upon us!

Almost There

May 12, 2014

’twas the Monday before opener

and all through the Camp…

Greetings and belated Mother’s Day wishes to all you mothers out there!  We hope your weather was as lovely as ours!  Yes, I’m serious!!!  We had two glorious days of sunshine and blue skies.  It rained all day today but that helped sink some of the black ice, so I’ll not complain.

I’ve got some lake shots from the last few days.  Here are the lake and shoreline on May 9:



May 10 (Sat.) was so beautiful that Gruper couldn’t take it any more!  He decided to begin breaking ice in the weak spots…



It is honestly helpful, as evidenced by this shoreline pic from yesterday:
???????????????????????????????Here he is “boating” today:
The railing is repaired by the fish cleaning facility:
Hey, what’s going on here? Gruper picked up a passenger…
IT’S MURRAY!!!! Our first-ever return employee (repeat offender???)!!!
Anyway, it was colder and rainier today, and even more water has opened. We can clearly see open water coming from the narrows:) All of this points to our making opener again in 2014!!! I may need to put on some real shoes and do a happy dance!


May 9, 2014

Yes, I hear you:)  I know you’re anxious for an update but I do have my priorities…like getting cabins cleaned, dealing with Seasonal Affective Disorder (undiagnosed but oh-so-present), trying to figure out my psychotic cat, and maintaining a social life in the thriving metropolis of Perrault Falls.  You do matter to me, though, so let’s have a quickie.

The lake continues to progress.  We had large floating chunks yesterday, and lots of rain today should create more of the same.  Using binoculars we can see that the narrows is open.  The ice is black and soft.  Here are a couple of pics taken yesterday (Thurs.) from the deck of the fish cleaning facility:



The ice along the shoreline is very slushy and kind of blue.  Farther out it’s black and has lots of small holes.  This is exactly where we were last year.  Much of the ice will sink; the remainder will make piles along the shore.  We are fine for opener.

Meanwhile, around Camp the snow is a pain in my butt!  Gruper drives around and knocks down drifts a little each day.  Yesterday (Thurs.) he tried to get the huge drift by former Cabin 1 and current Cabin 2.  The result:  stuck truck


Here’s my pain in the butt area as cabin cleaning moves from the Bear’s Den to 5, 6, 7 and Eagle’s Nest:


I’d usually cut through to go into “command central,” but I have to walk around that bad-boy drift (usually with arms full of curtains, cleaning products, shower curtains, etc.).  Tomorrow shows SUNSHINE and temps around 60.  That would be lovely.

Gruper and I ran errands in Dryden on Tues.  We had lunch with Murray who is indeed returning!!!  He’ll move in Sunday and begin work on Monday.  This is our first ever returning employee:)  Gruper and I were laughing about even the little things that become easier, e.g., knowing cabin numbers.  Normally it takes a month to get someone trained as to what’s where, when we do what, etc.  We are happy to have Murray back. 

I had lunch with our postmaster Patty at the Whiskeyjack last Saturday.  I’m hoping to do the same tomorrow.  We had dinner with Rikki (Dutchie’s) and Jeremy last night to thank them for snowmobiling our stuff in upon arrival.  I am a social butterfly, and it’s important to maintain these relationships while I’m here.  Graham and Laura at the Whiskeyjack are good kids making an honest living.  The Whiskeyjack is only 3.5 miles from Camp and has wonderful food:)  Give it a try during your stay with us.

I need to go iron some curtains, then tend to dinner.  You may wonder how I get it all done.  Well, I am a big believer in multitasking;)


I’ll try to visit with you again on Sunday.  Until then,

Andrea, Master Multitasker



May 3, 2014

Happy Saturday!

Things are beginning to be a bit more normal around here.  Our phone was fixed yesterday (several days ahead of schedule)!  We are able to come and go thanks to this piece of machinery:


Check out its tracks:


Gruper has gained entry to one of his buildings and was able to get the trash truck and Toyota out:


He shoveled us a path to my command central under the Bear’s Den as well:


Freya ventured outside for a preliminary investigation of her new digs:


She still prefers the basement, though:


I think she’ll adjust, given enough time.  She is a spaz and freaks out easily. 

I’ve been putting things away and dealing with seasonal affective disorder as best I can.  I walked yesterday and visited everyone in town (Patty at the post office and Graham and Laura at the Whiskeyjack).  Have I ever shared the dead fly phenomenon with you?  When we arrive each spring the house is as clean as Gruper left it in the fall.  There is very little dust, virtually no cobwebs, etc.  However, there is always this:


The living room floor has hundreds of dead flies on it!  I’d blame it on the bats but I don’t think they’ve arrived yet.  Just plain weird.

I’m also working on a super secret project.  I can’t share it because it might ruin a surprise for someone.  Stay tuned.

OK.  I’ve gone through the trail cam pics and will post them in chronological order.  Of interest to us was watching the lake ice-over in the early pictures.  I left the time stamps on so you could see.  I shared some because of the snow and some–I can’t believe I’m saying this about any winter picture–because of the beauty.  Go figure.  Enjoy!  I’ll be back soon.


Run, Gruper, run (toward Iowa):


Here comes the ice:







Santa will never make it:


We were in Nebraska for niece Anna’s lovely wedding to Benny.  Folks up here were wishing they were in Nebraska:






April Fool’s Day (only if you live here year-round!!!):


My arrival (pulling my trolling motor box sled and carrying the cat caddy) followed by Jeremy’s snowmobile pulling a real sled of our stuff:

