Archive for July, 2018

Back to Work!

July 25, 2018

Hi there!  After a few small weeks–due in part to multiple cancellations–things are beginning to get back to normal around here.  We are still somewhat small this week, but the gradual increase will prepare us for next week!

Rod and family left Friday after two weeks with us.  They took home all of their limits (maybe not perch) and had an enjoyable time.  They mix fishing with pleasure!  Rod hooks the tube to his boat, and the kids get to enjoy some water sports on the hot days.

We’ve had a couple of scorchers over the past two weeks.  We are now downright cool (61 as I type) and cloudy.  These conditions have contributed to much improved fishing overall.  We’re seeing walleye in the buckets again and hearing about some nice ones!  Dennis released a 24.5″ walleye yesterday.  Diane had stayed in, so he wasn’t able to get a pic.  Luckily, I can use his brother’s picture from June;)


Thanks, Don!

We are still dry and the lake is low.  I’ve been doing rain dances regularly.  We get just enough to keep the crop thriving…


I have about four gallons in the freezer already!  I plan to check out raspberries this week too.

With the slower Camp comes project work.  Darlene has been painting everything she can get her hands on!  She’s into cabin doors and the cabinets under the kitchen sinks right now.  We’ve been doing some staining and trim work as well.  Gruper and Mark did a log replacement on Cabin 4:


It turned out great!  Gruper discovered a funky little dude while working on Cabin 4:

I didn’t see an angry thorn on him but still was leery.  He has been released to the wild.

I found a picture of the paintings from Doug’s stay a couple of weeks ago:


Helen brings out the artiste in everyone!  Good job, Guys!

I’ve been getting in some kitchen time:)  I made another of those cake rolls:


I found that recipe on facebook.  Here’s another one, the caprese-stuffed avacado:

Look who was here!!!!  Matriarch Pat and bff Sal!  They roadtripped together to bring some love from home!  Pat also brought cow steaks for them and tuna steak for me!


We had a lovely visit!  Sal met a new man!!!


I hope he can take care of her…


our steps came off our deck, and Sal fell and dislocated her shoulder:(  I drove her to Dryden (like the wind) where she received excellent care and left with a souvenir gown and sling!  She’s a trooper, though, and we were picking two days later!  So glad she is strong and healthy!

Sal shared some nice pics from her stay…


I liked this big hole in the sky…


super hazy day


lovely sunset

an end to a lovely week, except for the shoulder of course!  We can add that to our endless list of stories…see you in September, Friend!

Have a good week, All!

Still Breathing:)

July 14, 2018

Yes we are.  Camp is small again this week, and Gruper and I continue to take it easy.  Becky, Mackayla and Emily all left late last week.  The girls both wanted to make their own souvenir–an acrylic painting:)  Check these out!


I’d love to say they got their creative talents from me…but…

I drove Emily into Minnesota, handed her off, and returned to Camp all in one day (500 miles)!  Our visit was nice, and Emily was able to experience a taste of our “other” life.  The drive was quite pretty:


The girls enjoyed their plane ride, as did Mr. Bentley!  We told him he could climb on board and look around.  Unbeknownst to him, he was going up with his mom and grandma!  His enthusiasm after the flight could be summed up in one word:  joy!



As you can see, he was “flying high”!

This adventure with his mom and grandma was significant:  his papa (Big O, John O’Neill) passed nearly a year ago, and this family needed to return to Tall Pines Camp.  Gruper and I honestly felt it was very important to help with closure.  The ladies did a great job!  Nita operated a tiller–something I don’t care to do–and both she and Rachel provided multiple opportunities for Bentley to fish, frolic, and heal.


That boy caught that fish 100% on his own!  His papa is so proud!  Bentley left a picture that is hanging on our fridge as I type (and get teary):


Enjoy Alabama, Buddy (drive your mum nuts with the sand)!

Doug and his beautiful family returned last week, and brought friends!  The boys spent a lot of time fishing, in spite of mayflies and warm temps.  Warren released this northern


and Evan released a walleye seed!


Erika and Monika took advantage of massages(!), and the boys all took a painting class!

The ladies also joined me for what I thought would be a “pancake and muffin pick.”  I was very wrong…folks, I have 1 gallon in the freezer already!  #banner season


Doug was with Duane when he released this BEAUTIFUL fish!


Yes, he could have kept that walleye as his 18″+, but he CHOSE to return her to the lake!  Thank you, Duane!  We look forward to seeing you and Jan again next year!

Gruper and I sneaked out for our first fishing session this week!  He boated two bass and a perfect eater walleye for me; I boated nothing.  I was plucked repeatedly, lost a small walleye (I think) before it reached surface, and had my line cut–most probably by a northern.  Surface temps were around 74, and flies–not may–were most active.  We still had a very nice time!

Rod and family are here for two weeks.  They enjoy the northern hunt as well as chilling!  We are excited that my gal Sal and our matriarch Pat will be here today!  Our third quiet week will be filled with love and relaxation!  I’ll close with Doug and Erika’s definition of perfection (I think)!



Time for a Breather

July 3, 2018

Hi there!  Yes, it’s that time of year when Camp is smaller, the pace a bit slower, and the owners a bit more relaxed!  The temps have been downright cool in the evenings, making for nice sleeping.  We are still seeing a few pesky mayflies but not big herds of them.

Last week was a bit tougher for the anglers.  We began seeing a few walleye by week’s end.  Reports were that they were starting at about 8′ and moving deeper.  Folks were having success in the narrows between 2nd and 3rd Lakes as well as on humps.  I added a big walleye and northern from Dave as well as a big walleye from Ryan to our Big Fish page (

This week has started slow.  Reports are that the tried and true walleye spots and “one and done.”  Two of our cabins are folks who have fished this lake for YEARS, and they are still trying to hit their stride.  I believe they will:)

Mike, Pete, Ron and the boys were here a couple of weeks ago.  They had a blast and did a fine job figuring things out around here!







I’m not sure what their bait of choice was…


Kirk and Wendy were here a couple of weeks ago too!  They returned for a week of rest and relaxation.  They thoroughly seem to enjoy themselves during their stay.  Here are a few of their pics:



Nice perches, Kirk!


You, too, Wendy;)


Here’s a great sunset from the deck of Cabin 4:


So with a smaller Camp we usually get a bit o’ family!  Becky and Mackayla returned and brought our youngest niece Emily from Minnesota!  Emily turned 15 during her visit!  Remember when Anna turned 16 here so many years ago!  It must be a thing:)  Anyway, the girls were able to spend some time in the lake:


and I tried to make pancakes that said “15,”

and best of all:  the girls got to take a scenic ride in a float plane!


All in all, it’s been a great visit!  They still have a couple of days left but the time has “flown” by!