Archive for September, 2010

Fishing, Fun & Family

September 24, 2010

Here we are again.  I have a little more catching up to do with you guys.  Let’s start with the bear hunts back in August.  All four hunters saw bears.  Two hunters took bears.  Kraig set up a trail camera to see what was happening at his site:

That's not a bear...

but this is!

Keith & Kraig with their skinned bears.

Last week Steve and I decided to have a “Camp Fish Day.”  We had folks in four cabins and let them know they could follow us around the lake.  For the second trip in a row, I was ON FIRE!  We both had a great day–as did most of our guests–but I was unstoppable!  Here are some photos:

Bill and Chris were our only newbies.

Bob & Barb getting some action!

Craig tells son Andrew to get the net.

Gruper had a much better day than the week before.

It's hard to say what goes on in Eldon & Sandra's boat!

They catch fish and they laugh A LOT:)

This eagle on 3rd Lake watched us for quite a while.

Eldon’s namesake, Eldon the Eagle, has been very vocal around Camp for a few weeks now:

I had a bunch of apples hanging around the house so I turned them into apple crisp and put them in everyone’s cabins.

We had a beautiful foggy morning last week.  I decided to capture it:

I liked the reflection here (of course).

Check out the cool stool Eldon & Sandra had made for us:

The design is from the welcome sign that hung here until a few years ago.

Craig & Andrew let me steal photos from their camera.  They and Clarence, representing three generations, have been to Camp several times.

Nice northern, Andrew!

Nice walleye, too!

We totally understand fish love!

I was starting to think Andrew had all the luck!

Clarence is chief cook and bottle washer!

Andrew needs a nap after that lunch!

No potluck in September...just a social hour:)

They captured a cool rainbow:

It was good seeing you guys again! Come back any time.

The next entry will have some incredible fall color photos as well as an update on our Shasta cat (aka Stinky LaRue). 

25 years ago today, my sister Rebecca gave birth to Mackenzie Lyn, who left us without notice on Aug. 19.  I released a balloon for her today.  I continue to struggle with this loss–my emotions are all over the board.  I’d like to share a photo from a blog set up by her friends as well as a poem written and read at her service by her friend Jonny P.  His poem brought peace to the entire room and helps me still.


You cannot cage a bird that was bound for liberty
Lofting ever higher through the gates of majesty
In all my days I never met a lady set so free
Like the captain of the eagles soaring starry seas

Soaring over mountains,through clouds and past the moon
Through fields of sparkling stardust and celestial lagoons
Freedom’s wind she sails aloft to the sound of a heartstrung tune
But then one fated mournful day that eagle fell too soon

Screeches wail and feathers tear as she plummets to the earth
Rising then a phoenix, landing at your hearth
The phoenix eagle spreads its wings resplendent in rebirth
To watch her fly away takes all your souls warm worth

She takes bid her final leave And flies into the night
Shed you now one final tear as she trails out of sight
Gone now is the phoenix leaving somber in her wake
For heaven to take such a soul is such a soul to take

Farewell my friend my heart bemoans and know I wish you well
If I don’t see your face again I know I’m bound for hell
Soaring now forever free my dear sweet Mckenzie
Captain of the eagles, bound for majesty.

Friends & Fotos

September 18, 2010

Welcome back!  I figured I’d better take advantage of a very windy day that has Gruper out fishing.  I’ve been out a couple of times–more on that later–but today just seemed a bit too windy and wild for this fair weather angler.

We’ve had a lot of wind the last couple of weeks.  We’ve had some great sports though who just bundle up, buckle down and go catch walleye!  Fishing’s been unbelievable this fall!!  Temps have been cool (50’s during the day), and we’ve had a fire going in the house for several days now.

I’ll start with photos from week-before-last.  Our good friends from home were here and it’s always a pleasure to fish with them.  Gilky, Frank, Newton and Bender have all been here several times now, and the good times just get better when we get to see them!  I have photos from a couple of their cameras as well as mine.

Bender and Frank dressed for a cold, windy day.

 Cold, windy days do bring on the fish, don’t they?

Nice 'eye Frank!

and Bender

Frank's got another!

Gruper and Gilky during shore lunch.

Frank and Bender cooking shore lunch.

Newton waiting for lunch.

and supper...

All four ya-hoos at one time!

Time out for an eagle shot.

Bender displaying one day's keepers.

a rainbow cloud:)

Newton with an 'eye.

He prefers northern though;)

Gilky does this all day long, every day.

easy as pie

see him?

We had whiskey jacks trying to steal some lunch!

When Steve and I went fishing a couple of weeks ago, I had a FANTASTIC day!  It went so far beyond first, biggest and most–I was unstoppable!  I even caught a rock:


Karna, another fine angler, had gotten a rock to the boat earlier in August.  She just couldn’t quite land it.  It wasn’t easy but I successfully landed mine with the help of my trust netter Steve.  Speaking of Karna, there she is now:

Karna (holding Rikki), Ann, and Bob's best side:)

Ron was busy running their boat.  He’s a crazy working guy, that Ron.  Gruper needed a nap one day so Ron decided to wash boats…

OK...he's just washing his own boat.

Back to fishing, here’s one of the smaller walleyes I caught when we were out with the guys.  I can’t tell you how many fish I released that day.  I can tell you how many Gruper released though;)  He wanted to know what the prize was for smallest and least!

This fish came out of one of our fish.  It was so gross!  Stinky LaRue was quite interested in it:

Well, let’s close with some great sunset photos.  I’ve got fodder for at least a couple more entries so don’t dismay.  See you soon.

Frank and Bender gearing up for this spectacular show.


Ron and Bob on the dock capturing the beauty.

Winding Down

September 12, 2010


We are beginning our last official week of anglers.  We’ll still have some grouse hunters and a moose hunter, but the fisherfolks are ’bout done.  I’ve been closing cabins as the schedule thins.  We still have bodies in five cabins this week.

Last week’s group had a great time!  Steve E. who visits every spring with his dad and brothers brought his wife Judy and had a very nice time.  They found fish and Judy found blueberries with me.  We had a couple of nice guys from Kansas who did a super job on the fish!  They caught right on and had plenty to eat.  Most everyone else was old-timers/repeat offenders:)  We had four good friends here–I’ll have photos from fishing and shore lunch with them later in the week.

Ron & Karna left this morning after 32 days in the campground!  We’ll sure miss them.  Bob & Ann left yesterday after 2 1/2 weeks in their cabin.  I need to say a special thank-you to those ladies.  They helped A LOT while I was back in Iowa…above and beyond anything I would have expected.  Thank you both so much.

Steve and I fished on Thurs.  I found walleye on 2nd, 3rd and 5th lakes.  Steve had a harder time;)  It was pretty cold and windy which made for good fishing…for me.  More on that later in the week.  For now I’ll finish up with Mary and Lori’s photos from two weeks ago.

I shared their duck photos.  Here are some more birds:

Looked in my bird book. Can't decide: tern or rail.

It found a little something to eat.

Apparently he has something to say.

Apparently Ron has something to say as well.

Probably something like, "Nice fish, Mary."

or "Nice fish, Ken."

 Or “Nice fishes, Lori.”

Not that Ron didn’t have his own to brag about:

He was also traveling incognito:

The family road tripped one windy day. 



They captured a lovely sunset at day’s end,

and Mary had fun with food a little later

Speaking of later…see you then.  A

Back at Work

September 5, 2010

Hi there.  I’ve been back in Canada since last Sunday evening and have just taken my time getting back into the swing of things.  Thanks for your patience.  

I need to send a huge thank-you to everyone for their kind thoughts, words and gestures during this horrible time.  We are so lucky to have such good guests and friends both here and at home.  Please continue to keep my sister, niece Jayme, great niece Mackayla, myself, and so many others in your thoughts and prayers.  Any positive energy is appreciated.   

Steve kept Camp going pretty smoothly without me–should I be scared???  He had a pretty busy week Aug. 21-28.   We still had a bear hunter in Camp as well as several cabins of anglers.  FIVE big fish releases were added that week–1 walleye and 4 northern!  Last week we had another big walleye release as well as a couple of smallmouth.  Check out the web page ( for some of the photos.  A few folks still need to e-mail us their photos (hint, hint).  

Last week’s guests had some rough weather.  We had winds up to 50 kph yesterday (Friday).  Only one angler ventured out all day.  Temps have been pretty cool (50’s-60’s during the day; 40’s at night), but water temps remain in the high 60’s.  Steve and I took a couple of hours mid-week to check some spots.  We ended up with a few perch–two of them huge.   

Since I had not taken any photos and HATE to not have something for my visual readers, I robbed Mary and Lori’s cameras for some nice photos.  I’ll share some today and some later in the week…promise.  

They had a nice variety of duck photos.  We’ve been enjoying having ducks around again since the geese aren’t quite as comfortable (though they continue to try to take over).  

looks like popcorn...


scratching an itch


incredible quality photo


the reflection looks like a cartoon




The mergansers had a visitor:  


So, how did this group of four do fishing?  They did just fine.  Here’s one day’s catch:  


Of course, you have to take the bad with the good:  

It's as big as the bait, Lori!


Ron and Mary took advantage of a nice day:  


Ken and Lori prepared for potluck:  

They grew it themselves!


Speaking of potluck…  

I wouldn't believe a thing being said here!


BS patrol or active participant? You be the judge.


More later, Folks.  Thanks again for your support…past, present and future.  A